JEE 2020 exam pattern changed, registration details here- The Week
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has changed the 2020 JEE main exam pattern. As per the changes, one exam will be held during January 6–11 and the other during April 3–9. Other changes include a reduction in the number of questions, a new test on BPlan and five long-form questions on numerics.
The online registration for the Joint Entrance Exam will begin from 11 am on Tuesday. The changes to the exam pattern was made before making the registration link active by the NTA.
The earlier system had two exams―one each for admissions to BArch and BTech. With the new changes effective, there will be an additional exam for admission to BPlan as well. BPlan or Bachelors in Planning was approved by the JEE Apex Board.
Candidates can apply for the exam can apply through  www.jeemain.nic.in till September 30, 2019.
As for the other changes, the number of questions have been reduced. Earlier there were 30 questions. It has now been cut to 25, from which 20 will be based on multiple-type questions. Five questions will be based on numerics. Equal weightage will be given to maths, physics and chemistry. Each question carries four marks with negative marking for wrong answers in the objective type questions.
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