  1. Parents / Guardians are especially requested to notify the school of any change in their address or telephone number.
  2. Parents / Guardians should not forget to give a specimen signature in the diary, which may be referred to if necessary.
  3. Children are not allowed to go home during school hours. If there is any emergency, (a death or an accident) the parents should come personally to the school to take their children. In no case can the children be handed over to a stranger.
  4. No visitor is allowed to see any pupil during school hours, without the permission of the Principal. During recess, teachers should not be disturbed. An appointment with a member of the staff should be made before hand from the office.
  5. Parents / Guardians and visitors are requested to park their vehicles outside the school gate in proper order to avoid accidents and inconvenience.
  6. Suggestions for improvement of the institution are welcome, in writing. No anonymous letters/documents will be entertained.

Very Important

  1. Fees once submitted is not refundable and therefore parents should not request the school authorities for it.
  2. Parents are to note the following carefully and co-operate in maintaining the discipline. The following will be deemed to be an act of indiscipline.
    1. Making noise and quarrelling in class.
    2. Not doing the work set in class.
    3. Disobedience at any level.
    4. Bunking classes/tests.
    5. Smoking, consuming paan masala, supari, chewing gum etc.
    6. Using rough and abusive language.
    7. Settling disputes with the help of outsiders.
    8. Not coming in school uniform regularly.
    9. Caught outside, during teaching periods, without token.
    10. Any other conduct violating the school’s code of conduct.
  3. The school reserves the right to cancel any admission/issue T.C. at any time on the basis of a child being booked for any of the above mentioned points (a-j). The parents / guardian will have to abide by the decision of the authorities and no outside pressure / influence will be entertained. The decision of the school authorities will be final.